Luke 2:21
As we turn the page from 2017 into the New Year 2018, we remember that New Year’s Day is also the day upon which Jesus was formally given His name. It’s the 8th day since Jesus’ birth, and the “8th Day” signifies the beginning of something new in God’s plan and design. He wants to accomplish something new in you this year. Begin your day (and your year) in Jesus’ name and with His blessing upon you.
Luke 2:1-20
Listen to the sounds of the night of our Savior’s birth in this message by Pastor Jeff Alexander. Join with the shepherds in listening to and then making known what God has revealed about this special Child, His one and only Son, sent into the world to save us all.
Luke 2:10-12
In the final installment of our Advent series, Pastor Jeff helps us to see Jesus as the KING OF KINGS who is the rightful heir of the throne of David and the throne of God! Right now, seated at the Father’s right hand, the very One who was born for you is speaking to you, interceding for you, and protecting you as He governs over all the world. “And He shall reign forever and ever!” Amen! Merry Christmas!
John 11:25-26
For the Third Sunday in Advent, Pastor Jeff’s message takes a look at Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Victorious over Satan, sin, death, and hell itself, Jesus returns to life, thereby proving that His mission to save the world has been accomplished. Be encouraged by this week’s message from God’s Word!
Philippians 2:7-8
For the Second Sunday in Advent, Pastor Jeff’s message takes a look at Christ being our Servant, Sacrifice, and Substitute. Rejected by man and under the judgment of God due to the world’s sin, Jesus was executed upon the cross. Yet through His death, His life’s mission is accomplished: people are brought back to God!
Matthew 25:31-46
When Jesus returns on the Day of Judgment, He will separate the sheep from the goats--those who trust in Him from those who’ve rejected Him. As He commends those who are His righteous ones, what will He find them having done to “keep busy” while awaiting His return?
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