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This six-week sermon series will examine portions of Paul's two letters to the young pastor, Timothy. Mentored by the Apostle Paul, Timothy learned what it means to be a follower of Christ and a servant of His Word. As God works in this communication that built their relationship, God works through these New Testament letters to strengthen our faith in Christ as those who seek to serve Him.

2 Timothy 4:6-8;16-18

Today’s message focuses on some of the final, final words of Paul. His time is short. His departure is near. And yet death is not the end; it's the beginning of a journey into the eternal life God has promised to all who trust in Christ. As you watch or listen to the final installment of this seven-part series, you will be assured that the Lord, who will one day award you His crown of victory, right now is standing by your side and giving you all you need for the journey before you.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

You are a missionary. Yes, you! You are a missionary. If God’s Word has touched your heart and brought you to faith in Christ Jesus, you are now commissioned to bring God’s Word to others, so that they too may believe! The key to effective mission work is building relationships of trust with other people. As Pastor Jeff points out in today’s message from 2 Timothy 3:14-17, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” May we care enough about others to share God’s Word with our family and friends, that Jesus may breathe new life into them as His new creations!

2 Timothy 2:1-13

Many people in our country have been ravaged by storms this past week. When the storm hits, only what's essential matters. Today's message helps us to consider the essentials for getting through the storms of our lives. “Remember Jesus Christ,” says Paul. Jesus alone is essential. And His faithfulness is the “fuel” we all need for life and for ministry in His name. 

2 Timothy 1:1-14

Paul is about to die. Imprisoned in Rome as an enemy of the state, the Apostle knows that his time on earth is short. He longs to see Timothy again and arranges for him to join him in Rome. Yet Paul does not despair. His focus is on the “promise of life in Christ Jesus”. He will use many of his “last words,” recorded for us in 2 Timothy, to encourage Timothy and speak grace into his life. Today’s message invites us to do the same: to be the means through which God’s Word overflows from us and pours into others.

1 Timothy 6:9-19

The mentor gives his understudy a formula for experiencing the life that is truly life: Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain. While the world runs after wealth and wanders away from the faith, God’s Word calls us to pursue the things that are of God, keeping in step with the Holy Spirit. Today’s message helps us to see how wealth can be a blessing in our lives as we receive whatever the Lord gives with thanksgiving.

1 Timothy 2:1-8

As Paul mentors and gives instructions to Timothy, he stresses the importance of God’s people worshipping together. God wants to have a conversation with His people. Today’s message helps to see how prayer, in all its forms, is pleasing to God. God wants all people to be saved, and this is only accomplished through the mediator, Jesus Christ. He alone gives us direct access to God when we worship and pray, enabling us to know His Father as our Father, too

1 Timothy 1:12-17

This six-week sermon series will examine portions of Paul's two letters to the young pastor, Timothy. Mentored by the Apostle Paul, Timothy learned what it means to be a follower of Christ and a servant of His Word. As God works in this communication that built their relationship, God works through these New Testament letters to strengthen our faith in Christ as those who seek to serve Him.

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