“Stay Connected with Jesus, the Amen of God” March 18, 2018
Amen! What a fitting way to end a prayer! Using a Hebrew word that literally means, “This is true,” believers throughout the world have grown accustomed to finishing their prayers by saying, “Amen.” Whether spoken softly or proclaimed loudly, Amen is not only a word of affirmation that God listens to what we have spoken; it’s also a word of confirmation that Jesus Christ is the One who’s guaranteed that we have a loving Father who stays connected to us. Enjoy this message by Pastor Jeff Alexander as he wraps up our 11-part sermon series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
Kingdoms come and go. The kingdom of our God remains forever! In this week’s message from Pastor Art Wehrmeister, we see how the conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer is an acknowledgement of Jesus’ presence in our lives as we thank and praise Him for hearing and answering our prayers. Enjoy this second-to-last message in our sermon series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
When we pray the 7th petition of the Lord’s Prayer (“But deliver us from evil”), we are summing up what we’ve already asked for in the first 6 petitions. We’re asking the Lord to give us what we can never give ourselves by doing what He alone can do. Looking around at the evil in our world, notice how much we need to pray the Jesus way and seek His eternal deliverance! Enjoy this message of grace from Pastor Jeff Alexander as he continues our sermon series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
Ephesians 4:32
Like Jesus, we are tempted. Like Jesus, we can overcome temptations when we cling to the Word of God. Today’s message helps us learn to trust in God’s leadership in our struggles with the enemy and the temptations of drifting away from God. Be encouraged by this message of grace as Pastor Jeff continues to lead us in our current series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
Ephesians 4:32
Anyone who is deeply connected to another will know the hurt that comes when someone sins against you and you against them. All of the brokenness we experience in our relationships is laid upon Jesus Christ, the source of our forgiveness. As we pray the Jesus way, we ask the Father to cancel our debts, and we ask Him to help us extend the blood-bought forgiveness of Christ to others. Listen to this week’s message by Pastor Jeff Alexander as we continue our sermon series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
Matthew 6:31-34
When we pray to the Father for our daily bread, the Lord works changes in our lives. Gratefulness replaces anxiety, and generosity pushes greed aside when Jesus’ followers pray for daily bread. What is the “daily bread” the Father gives to you? How is the Father answering others’ prayers for “daily bread” through you and your vocation? Listen to this week’s message by Pastor Jeff Alexander as we continue with our sermon series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
John 6:40
What is God’s will for your life? Even though the working and the ways of the Lord may be mysterious to us this side of eternity, there are certain things we know for certain about God’s will. What are those things? Listen to this week’s message from Pastor Jeff Alexander as we continue the series: “Stay Connected: Pray the Jesus Way.”
Psalm 146:3-5
When we pray the Jesus way, we invite God’s Kingdom to come into our lives. Notice the direction: God always makes the first move. We simply respond. He is King over all and, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, He reigns among us through His Word and Sacraments. Today’s message helps us to focus on being citizens of a Kingdom that will never fail as God’s Word calls us to trust in the King who comes to redeem and deliver us.
Exodus 3: 13-15
“What’s in a name?” William Shakespeare wrote that question into his famous play “Romeo and Juliet.” God has an answer to the question. What’s in a name? A great deal! Whether they tell a story of history or of prophecy, names always send a message. That’s most certainly true for the name of Jesus--the name that is above all names! As we connect with God in prayer, we call upon His name and approach Him with confidence through the name of His Son, Jesus, whose name tells us exactly what He’s come to do: “The LORD Saves!”
Luke 11:1-2
Jesus taught His first disciples to pray, giving them what has come to be known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” As we connect with God, we learn to see Him as our Father in heaven. Connected to Him by the Spirit of His Son, we too become the children of God and know that He cares about the details of our lives.
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