When you belong to Jesus Christ, perhaps how you live and how you will die aren't that different! Listen to this week’s message from Pastor Jeff Alexander, based on Romans 14:7-9.
Hope brings joy. Affliction requires patience. Prayer calls for faithfulness. With eyes fixed on Jesus, we focus on the future promises God has in store for His children.
As Pastor Jeff is still abroad, guest Pastor Art Wehrmeister fills in to give us the message of Matthew 16, where Jesus reveals that he his the Messiah.
As Pastor Jeff Alexander travels the world, guest Pastor Udhay Raji stopped by to tells that the importance of having faith.
It’s easy to begin sinking in life when we start “watching the wind.” Much like Peter did when Jesus called him to walk on water, the worries of life sweep over us when we forget to focus on the object of our faith: Jesus. But when we call on His name, He “immediately” saves us, showing us His true identity, and enabling us to confess: “Truly You are the Son of God!” (Matthew 14:33)
Jesus famously feeding the 5,000 is such an important miracle that it’s recorded in all four of the Gospel accounts. But why is it important? What does it reveal about Jesus? What does it say about us? Let’s find out as we dig into this week’s message from God’s Word.
In all things, God has a purpose. In all things, God is for you. In all things, God loves you in Jesus. And there is nothing--absolutely nothing--that can separate you from His love.
When the name of the Lord is written on you, that shows that you belong to God! As God’s own people--His “Israel”--we can witness of concrete examples of His saving work in our lives. We know that He alone is the Rock...the strength, the shield and the shelter of His people!
Today’s message focuses on Jesus’ parable and its explanation in Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. As Pastor Jeff describes the different types of “soils” that receive the Word of God, ask yourself: Which one describes my heart when I hear of Jesus?
What is Baptism? What benefits does Baptism give? Let's take a look at this together as we see how even children can come to know the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. As a “means of grace,” Baptism is used by Jesus to claim people as God’s own children and give them new life through His death and resurrection.
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