Matthew 25:31-46
When Jesus returns on the Day of Judgment, He will separate the sheep from the goats--those who trust in Him from those who’ve rejected Him. As He commends those who are His righteous ones, what will He find them having done to “keep busy” while awaiting His return?
Matthew 25:14-30
Jesus’ striking parable in Matthew 25:14-30 emphases the graciousness of God and His expectations for how we will manage what He, our Master, has entrusted to us as His servants. Listen to this week’s message and see how a life of stewardship is truly a life of faith, with results dependent on how we view our God and receive what He has done.
1 Thessalonians 4:14-18
Need to be encouraged? Take a listen to this week’s message from God’s Word and see how the grace of God changes who you are today and the perspective you can have for tomorrow.
Matthew 5:1-12
When Luther described our vocations, he used the term “masks of God.” God hides behind the “masks” of our various callings so that He can serve others through us. On this All Saints’ Sunday, we take a look at what saints are and how they are “pictured”—loving God and loving others.
Romans 3:19-28
As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses, which began the Reformation of the Church, we see how Luther is one of the most quotable figures in history. Yet, the Reformation is not about quoting Luther or honoring him; it’s always been (and still is) about Jesus! May Jesus be lifted up in the Church and world as we celebrate this milestone of faith!
Psalm 96:1-9
Today’s Scripture readings speak of the good news of salvation going into all the world and people turning away from idols toward the one, true God. You’ll hear evidence of this also happening today as you take part in this mission presentation by Karen Davis & Scott Klosterman and message by Pastor Jeff Alexander. They recently took part in a mission to India and share what God’s grace is doing through Calvary India Mission in Ambur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Fresh off a mission trip to India, Pastor Jeff shares some stories and words of encouragement about trusting in the Lord and celebrating His work all around the world.
So, you wanna be a star? Nowadays stardom seems to be desired. Listen to guest Pastor Art Wehrmeister why we need to keep a strong foundation in Jesus Christ. Thorough Him, we will learn to shine like stars!
When you pray the Psalms, you join with Jesus Himself in worshipping the Father. Today’s message helps us to see how Psalm 27 promises the protection of the Lord for those who trust in Him.
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